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Asli & NOVA Workshops
in conjunction with
Got To Move 2018, an initiative by the National Arts Council (NAC)

What: Asli Workshop
When: 14 October 2017, Sunday 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Participants will be introduced to movement phrases of one of Singapore Malay basic folk dance called ‘Tari Asli Kuala Deli’. The focus will be on sharing about Malay customs that forms the wisdom of Malay folk dance.
What: NOVA Workshop
When: 14 October 2017, Sunday 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Participants will be introduced to hints of Norhaizad’s movement rigour rooted in the embodiment of Malay folk and contemporary practice. The focus will be on sharing about how motivations that drive movements can be the start of new creations.
Where: P7:1SMA Studio, Stamford Arts Centre #03-01,
155 Waterloo St, Singapore 187962
Workshops are FREE! Register to attend
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